How to Drive Full Funnel Advertising Results With Amazon

As marketers and consumers, we know Amazon is an uncontested advertising powerhouse, dominating everything from e-commerce sales to search traffic to ad spend. In this article, we’ll discuss how CPG advertisers can leverage Amazon’s advertising platform to drive full-funnel marketing results.

The Amazon Advertising Platform offers multiple ways for brands to engage with Amazon’s vast audience by advertising on-site or leveraging their customer data to serve ads across the open internet. With retail media’s recent explosion in popularity, Amazon Ads is expected to exceed $32B in revenue by 2023. Although many players are entering the market, Amazon is the clear leader with approximately 76.2% of US e-commerce channel ad spending in 2021

Amazon is a common tool for conversion-based, point of purchase advertising. However, there are other underutilized opportunities in the platform for brands to expand their audiences through awareness and consideration tactics that will ultimately lead to sales. Let’s explore how to reach customers at all stages of the consumer journey using Amazon Ads.  

How To Establish Awareness With Amazon DSP Prospecting

Nearly 75% of product research starts with Amazon. Brands cannot ignore this and should ensure they are using the platform to serve awareness-based messaging to new audiences as well as optimizing for search within the site. The Amazon DSP allows brands to use in-market data for first touch prospecting efforts, typically with video or display channels. 

How To Build Brand Consideration With Amazon Sponsored Brands

Sponsored Brand ads place products in front of users during the consideration phase. These ads appear on the search results, generating brand recognition and promoting discovery. They also help users find the information they are looking for, allowing your brand to position itself as a useful solution to their inquiry. 

How To Increase Amazon Sales With Sponsored Products

Sponsored Products are keyword-target ads promoting an advertiser’s individual listings. They appear in the search results and on product detail pages on Amazon to drive purchases.  Advertisers can select their products to advertise and choose keywords which will trigger ads to appear. Similar to Google Adwords, advertisers purchase bids on a cost-per-click auction. 

Ensure Performance With Ad Quality

Ad quality on Amazon depends on various factors. Implement these best practices to ensure your ad ranks at the top of the search results:

  • Calculate your max CPC to be profitable based on cost per sale
  • Ensure your product has a strong image and title quality
  • Monitor product reviews as they will affect ad quality

Targeting Amazon Shoppers

Amazon provides visibility into millions of consumers’ shopping behaviors as they move through the purchase  journey. We are able to collect real-time data based on browsing and purchase intent signals from customers across all channels and touchpoints including AAP, Mobile, Kindle and Fire TV. Any time a customer takes an action on, they can be included in targeting segments.

Brands can utilize in-market targeting to reach audiences actively searching for related products or apply lookalike targeting to reach new people with behaviors similar to their best customers. Additionally, the platform offers a number of targeting variables to layer onto campaigns, including keyword, product, and category targeting.

Incorporate Amazon Into An Omni-Channel, Full-Funnel Strategy

Despite its broad capabilities, Amazon is still a walled garden. Their data is siloed within their own DSP, which can be a challenge for brands looking to measure cross-channel results and track audiences across all commerce and marketing touchpoints.

At Coegi, we work with our CPG clients to build connected commerce strategies that connect all points of the customer journey together. For CPG brands, this often includes many factors such as DTC, offline and online sales as well as programmatic, social, traditional and even experiential marketing channels. 

Holistically managing your advertising efforts together puts Amazon activity into the context of your broader marketing strategy. Managing all efforts with one team allows you to share performance trends and learnings across tactics. Optimize different tactics and budgets in a complementary, strategic manner to improve overall performance. 

Using these tactics, your brand can leverage Amazon Advertising Platform to drive consumers through the marketing funnel and support a seamless customer journey.

For more information on how to create an omni-channel commerce strategy using Amazon, contact us at

Emerging Social Platforms: Advertising Beyond Facebook

When marketers think of social media, they often default to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Although these platforms are important, there are other emerging platforms that may be a better fit for your target audiences. TikTok, Snapchat, Reddit, Pinterest, and Tumblr are five high potential emerging social platforms to consider in your marketing channel strategy.

TikTok Advertising

This is a key social media platform for creating, sharing, and discovering short-form videos. TikTok gained over 1 billion users since its launch in 2016 and is among the top ten most used platforms today. Despite its massive popularity, many marketers are uncertain on how to engage with its unique audience and format. TikTok is important to consider for its incredible algorithm and mass exposure opportunities.

Unlike other platforms, content is shown to users by a curated, algorithmic system known as the ‘For You’ Page. The ‘For You’ page generates a continuous feed of primarily organic content blended with sponsored content. This element grants every video the opportunity to go viral. This is beneficial for small businesses looking for low-cost awareness and for larger businesses wanting to maximize engagement. Our post The Do’s and Don’ts of TikTok Advertising offers greater insights on building effective advertising campaigns on TikTok.

Snapchat Advertising

Snapchat is a mobile messaging platform to share photos, messages and videos. Unlike most platforms, Snapchat uses disappearing content. Users connect with others by expressing themselves and living in the moment, and marketers should to do the same.

Snapchat ads are essential for brand engagement. Advertisements show up between friends’ stories and people can easily swipe up to interact. According to insider data, 319 million people use Snapchat every day and 75% of Snapchat users are Millennials or Gen Z. Snapchat ads are extremely successful for ecommerce brands as fashion, novelty items, and impulse purchases perform well. However, advertisers in all industries can find success by delivering authentic content that makes users feel connected with your brand.

Reddit Advertising

Reddit is a social news website and forum where users participate in discussion and rate content. As of 2021, the platform has over 430 million monthly active users and 130,000 active communities. The interface consists of subreddits about topics where users have the opportunity to engage in valuable conversation. Marketers can leverage the platform to reach niche audiences in these specific interest groups. Some popular subreddits to consider for your marketing strategies include college admission, agriculture, health & wellness, telecommunications, or public health. For more in-depth tips on reaching niche audiences on Reddit, check out Advertising on Reddit: Reach Your Niche Audience

It is important to consider users’ hesitancy toward having branded content in the Reddit environment. Users dislike overly promotional language and are likely to skip over it. Content with a UGC creative feel is extremely beneficial. Users are more likely to engage with content specific to the community. 

Pinterest Advertising

Pinterest is a social media platform for sharing visual content, discovering new interests, and deep diving into passions. With over 431 million monthly users, the platform allows users to share posts, also known as “pins,” with other users and find communities with similar tastes.

Although over 60% of their users are female, Pinterest appeals to an increasingly diverse audience. Male and Gen Z user categories are gaining traction with 40% year over year growth. These users have strong purchase power with 45% having a household income over $100K. Users treat the platform as a source for inspiration; therefore, creative and innovative posts tend to have high performance. Promoted posts are part of the expected user experience. This makes Pinterest a great place to drive conversions with shoppable ads, while initiating brand awareness among key interest groups. 

Tumblr Advertising

Tumblr is a microblogging platform where users can post multimedia content. It is extremely versatile with media formats including text, photo, link, chat, audio and video. Although the platform peaked in popularity in 2014, it is still ranked among the top fifteen social media platforms with over 500 million active users. Tumblr presents many unique advantages for brands. For example, Sponsored Posts are useful ads visible to users through their dashboards. They blend in with organic content and are strongly welcomed with Tumblr creators. In fact, 70% of consumers perceive a brand more favorably after seeing a Sponsored Post and over 50% research the sponsor afterward.

The platform skews slightly younger with Gen Z accounting for over 61% of new Tumblr users and 48% of active users. Ads with comedic, dramatic or informational tones typically perform best on the platform. Brands looking to resonate with these users should strategically consider their creative messaging to align with these audience preferences. 

Choosing Your Best Paid Social Media Channels

As you are considering social tactics, consider these emerging social platforms and the opportunity they can provide. Many of these channels are well established, however much of their advertising capabilities are largely untapped. This means you can capitalize on whitespace where your brand can cut through the noise and reach enthusiastic audiences. When selecting which emerging social platforms to leverage, be sure to consider the campaign objective and if the platform aligns with your goals. 

Additionally, it’s critical to have a holistic understanding of the audience demographics and their sentiment around ads on the platform. Ensure your creative strategy results in a positive experience that drives results and increases learnings. If you want to stay up to date with the newest trends on social media, be sure to check out Nine Easy Ways to Stay Up to Date Social Media.

How to Drive Job Applicants for Healthcare Recruiting Campaigns

The Brief

A hospital client tasked Coegi with developing a digital healthcare recruiting campaign to drive interest and qualified website traffic for open job positions. Using a combination of social and display tactics, we were able to generate a significant increase in website visits and drive new job applications from a niche audience. 


LinkedIn “Apply Now” conversions

page views from Display

Facebook CTR


The ultimate goal was to drive maximal website traffic. But Coegi understood it was critical to ensure the visitors were qualified potential applicants. Due to restrictions on employment-based ad campaigns, the team was creative with data usage across platforms, especially Facebook. Additionally, the client was recruiting for multiple positions, each with different qualifications. This resulted in separate creatives and messaging for each job position, adding a layer of complexity to campaign execution. 



We identified three primary channels for this healthcare recruiting campaign: LinkedIn, Facebook, and programmatic display. 


Linkedin was chosen to reach the job-seeking audiences while they were searching. Plus, because they could use job title targeting to be confident the intended audience was being reached. This tactic led to the highest number of “apply now” conversions.

Results: 1,496 application form submissions


Display was chosen to drive site traffic. Data segments allowed the team to reach niche job titles relevant to the target audience. Using custom data segments allowed for granular job title targeting, while also reaching a larger number of likely users. We ran all job titles in one campaign. Each ad set was targeting a specific job field driving users to unique landing pages. 

Display Results: Nearly 10,000 recruitment page views


With Facebook, we navigated targeting limitations since employment is a special ad category. This forced a more general targeting strategy focused more on consideration, driving scale for the campaign. Like display, this was primarily used to drive site traffic and make job seekers aware of open positions. 

Facebook Results: 0.63% CTR, 5,650 interview page views, 8,783 career page views

This cross-channel strategy allowed us to target niche job titles and drive high site traffic, despite limitations. Healthcare and pharma brands often defer to brand awareness campaigns due to restrictions in targeting sensitive audiences and compliance laws. However, this campaign showed how health-focused brands can shake that mold and achieve out of the box, lower-funnel goals, such as recruitment, using strategic digital media plans.

How Curiosity Can Improve Your Data Analysis

Efficiently analyzing data and providing ongoing campaign optimization recommendations is critical for driving the best results for our clients. However, the complexity and rigidity of data sets can make the most meaningful insights difficult to accurately uncover. In order to elevate your analysis and provide better insights for your campaign performance, you must stay curious, using knowledge and creativity to bolster your approach. 

Moving from Data Analytics to Data Insights

Analytics and insights – they are closely related, but not the same. Analytics is a way we approach a problem that is standardized and repeatable. But what we’re really after is turning these numbers into insights. For instance, you might see that a lot of people clicked on your ad – analytics. But going further to ask ‘What does the high click-through rate mean? and deciding how are you changing campaigns based on that knowledge – that’s insight. 

In other words, analytics are repeatable, standardized processes to understand data and gain information. Insights are what we do based on that information. 

When running a campaign, there are often thousands, sometimes millions, of data points to analyze. Even when campaign goals and KPIs are clearly defined, it can be difficult to immediately identify the more subtle and complex insights hiding within the numbers. That is where curiosity and creativity come into play – we start looking for whatever stories the data can tell.  

The Benefits of Using Curiosity in Your Data Analysis

Asking thoughtful questions and keeping an open mind about what you see in the data helps identify unexpected opportunities and avoid pre-existing biases in your analysis. This allows patterns to appear in the data and provide beneficial insights for future campaigns. No matter what kind of data you are working with, there is always a learning to uncover.

For example, perhaps you have a channel that is unexpectedly driving better sales numbers than others. Instead of broadly accepting the success of the campaign, investigate why that channel did well so you can apply those learnings and build on that success. Stretch your mind to stretch your data and let it come alive for your brand.  

Avoiding Analysis Paralysis

Anyone deeply entrenched in data analysis will know it is all too easy to get buried, and even lost, trying to extract every bit of intel from the data. And while we want to glean as much insight as possible, it can be difficult to know where to stop once you start down a rabbit hole in an effort to get every morsel of information. At some point, the return on that time investment will diminish and you’ll start coming to the same conclusions, just from different angles. 

It’s critical to strike a balance, understanding when it’s valuable to take more time to really dive into the numbers, asking a variety of questions before taking action on the insight. Quarterly reviews, post-campaign reporting, planning phases – these are all times when deep analysis and questioning of the status quo is beneficial. 

Guide Curiosity with Measurement

When you start to dig, the data can seem like an endless hole if you don’t know what you’re searching for. But if you root yourself in your overarching measurement strategy, centering on your business goals and each channel’s role in helping achieve that success, it will become much easier to determine if your media is working or not. 

It is always best to spend more time upfront talking through the strategy as a whole before you begin analysis. Then it will all come into play and be very easy. The amount of time you spend should be way more upfront than it is actually building out final data visualizations and dashboards. 

Key Takeaways

Curiosity and data analysis – yes, they do go together. Applying creativity and allowing space for human intuition and insights is key to data storytelling. But to be an effective and productive data analyst, you need to balance the art and science. Keep in mind what is and isn’t reasonable. Live for the data. Explore it and search for the stories that it weaves together. But, avoid investing your valuable time on a dark rabbit hole that leads nowhere.

Data Strategy Podcast Episode

Navigating the World of Marketing for Crypto Brands

The growth in cryptocurrency’s popularity is undeniable. The global value of cryptocurrency is over 2.29T, more than the GDP of Canada or Italy. And crypto users are engaging for multiple reasons. Sure, there is the appeal from an investment and transactional standpoint, but part of it is certainly novelty and curiosity.

As crypto brands begin to think about capitalizing on this upward trajectory, consider how to tackle marketing in a way that is sustainable, effective, and innovative.

Think Beyond “Crypto Enthusiasts” When Targeting Consumers

It, of course, makes sense to target those who are already involved with crypto when introducing and/or growing your brand. However, these are not the only individuals you should be seeking to influence. It’s important to do your due diligence with research. There are the crypto curious “normie” audiences who maybe haven’t taken the leap to making their first investment, but just need a little education from the right brand to move forward. There are the heavy stock investors who could be seeking to diversify in times where stock portfolios are fluctuating heavily. Also, there are individuals who don’t necessarily care to use crypto to accumulate enormous wealth. Instead, they are looking for mechanisms like crypto to enable a future of financial freedom.

Conversely, sometimes you need the niche audiences that are only interested in one specific type of cryptocurrency, such as Ethereum. Regardless of the situation, it’s important to dive deep into each unique crypto brand, understand the value propositions of their products and services, and leverage research to explore creative audiences and contextual environments.

Finally, it’s important to align creative messaging with the audience journey. You should talk to someone who is crypto-savvy much differently than someone simply looking for financial freedom. One is likely to have a quicker road to conversion while the other requires more time for awareness and education.

Lean Into Digital – But Understand The Limitations

Digital advertising offers brands the ability to reach the target consumers at scale, gathering data that allows for key brand learnings and the ability to tie exposure to action. However, with many ‘emerging’ industries, there are some platforms that either restrict or prohibit any advertising regarding cryptocurrency. Be sure to do due diligence on all platforms under consideration to understand which hoops you have to jump through.

Some programmatic channels we’ve found to be effective for marketing cryptocurrency brands include: display, Twitter, LinkedIn, Search, Facebook and Instagram. We have also seen a lot of value in endemic placements on major crypto-focused publications. There is high contextual relevance and also perceived trust running alongside other crypto-related content.

Seek Buying Efficiency – But Also Enjoy Making A Splash At The Right Time In The Right Place

Implementing an optimization strategy based on testing and learning will naturally allow cryptocurrency marketers to find ways to drive improved efficiency and effectiveness. It allows you to find the right channels, audiences, and creatives to drive increased brand lift, lower cost per action, and build overall brand growth.

Yes, you can accomplish this by combining proper campaign analysis using advanced measurement and analytics insights. However, incorporating third-party data, such as financial indicators, can be an innovative way to know when to ramp up spend and make a greater impact. Maybe a downturn in the NASDAQ means it’s time for a high value placement on Forbes? Or even a big billboard in Times Square?

The world of cryptocurrency is exciting and challenging in the best way. Marketers working with these emerging fintech brands should have a mindset of curiosity and determination to drive the strongest results.

Still curious? For more insights, view our webinar on-demand: The Metaverse, Crypto, & NFTs: What Marketers Need to Know.

How to Prove ROI for CPG Brands Using Loyalty & Purchase Data

The Brief

Bahlsen partnered with Coegi to relaunch their brand across six geographic locations in the United States. Partnering with Catalina, a consumer data company, the teams were able to target, measure, and optimize CTV and display campaign results in real-time across multiple platforms. This resulted in significant incremental sales lift and an increase in new buyers and repeat purchases. 


Sales Lift

New Buyer Base

New Buyer Repeat Purchase Rate


Measuring marketing campaign ROI can be complicated for CPG brands. Data from online and in-store sales combined with the cyclical purchasing habits of consumers can significantly blur the lines of marketing attribution. It can also handicap a marketer’s ability to make informed optimizations throughout. Without these insights, a true understanding of campaign success can be out of reach for most brands without the assistance of advanced measurement. 



We knew the key to success for Bahlsen was gathering real-time sales data to inform quick optimizations and gain feedback on sales lift. It was also important to reach audiences across multiple channels to facilitate consideration and keep the brand top of mind. 

We looked to Catalina to assist with this challenge. With almost 40 years of consumer data and one of the largest in-store media networks, Catalina has built an activation, measurement and attribution model. This allows CPG marketers to build and target hyper-focused niche audience groups across multiple channels. 

Using Catalina’s measurement technology and data, we developed and activated highly segmented first-party data lists across CTV and digital display platforms. These audiences consisted of current customers, lost/lagged customers and potential consumers. These rich targeting segments were more likely to engage with and purchase the product than the broader U.S. population. This set the foundation for campaign success. 

However, the real key to driving results for our client was in the cross-channel targeting of these lists to keep the brand top of mind at point of purchase. To do this, our team activated CTV and display campaigns using Catalina’s in-house network. Simultaneously, we were targeting the same audiences on Facebook and Instagram. 

The seven week campaign resulted in an incremental sales lift of 28% (16% benchmark) with a 38% increase in new buyer base and a repeat purchase rate of 8% in those new users. For CPG brands looking to prove advertising ROI, prioritize collecting high quality customer sales data to accurately track and measure sales lift throughout campaigns. To amplify results, use segmented audience lists with a cross-channel strategy to increase reach and frequency among key consumer groups.

The B2B Digital Marketing Handbook

The digital marketing revolution is sweeping the world – and B2B advertising is no exception. Buyers and sellers are shifting to digital channels for conducting networking, brand building, product demos and training, and even transactions. 

Using this handbook, you can adapt your brand to the evolving marketplace by using the most effective channels, targeting methods and measurement strategies for reaching modern B2B buyers. In this guide you’ll learn the answers to key marketing questions, such as: 

How can you efficiently target B2B audiences?

B2B’s emphasis on precisely targeting niche audience groups will be affected by third-party cookie deprecation in 2023. Find a balance between leveraging non-cookie based second and third-party prospecting audiences and creating digital touch points with your CRM contacts to reach the buyers that matter most for your brand. 

What are the best channels for B2B brands to advertise on?

Some of the most effective and fastest growing digital channels we recommend for B2B marketers include social, display, search, connected TV and audio. Read the full guide or continue scrolling to learn how to activate each channel most effectively and achieve business results. 

How to measure the results of B2B digital marketing? 

Track the cross-channel customer journey via both sales and marketing touchpoints. Accurate measurement provides learnings to optimize the process, making the sales funnel shorter and ad spend more effective. A common misstep marketers make is focusing solely on attribution and sourcing metrics. This is an oversimplification that blinds true insights and efficiency. To more accurately track a complex buying cycle, we outline a five step measurement process to define omni-channel success.

Future-Proof Your B2B Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital-first marketing is the way forward for B2B brands. This handbook provides a deeper understanding of the high level trends you need to know to stay ahead of the competitive curve and capitalize on untapped marketing space.

Download the B2B Digital Marketing Handbook now to level up your strategy. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us to set up a discovery call.

Adapting to the Digital-First B2B Marketplace 

B2B digital ad spending is growing rapidly, and traditional spend is not expected to recover to pre-pandemic levels. Digital advertising will be pivotal for B2B brands moving forward as buyers become more accustomed to a digital-first marketplace. 

Here’s three simple shifts that can have a major impact:

Follow B2C’s Example

Leading consumer brands diversify and digitize their marketing mix to create robust omni-channel strategies. This is highly successful for meeting customers wherever they are online. Personalizing content is now an expectation for B2B digital marketing.

Lead with Data

Use CRM data to identify customers with the greatest lifetime value based on potential or historical spend to optimize your marketing expenditure. Then, create AI-based lookalike models to find new consumers who behave like your best customers.

Lean into Video 

B2B buyers engage heavily with video content across the consumer journey, perhaps to the surprise of the more traditional B2B marketers. Product demos, tutorials, webinars, and culture-based content all have an impact on engaging and informing buyers. 

Digital Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Companies are placing the highest investment for their account based marketing (ABM)  strategies into digital. The majority of spend occurs on social media, paid search, and e-newsletters. However, other channels such as display, CTV and audio are gaining more share of wallet each year. 

A barrier to successful ABM is the ability to efficiently and effectively personalize marketing at scale. This is addressable by using AI technology to segment and serve account-based ads on a programmatic level. There are also various methods for account-based targeting on platforms such as LinkedIn. 

Targeting B2B Audiences with Digital Marketing 

Impact of the Cookieless Future

It is important to maintain a forward looking mentality for lead generation. The cookieless future will affect targeting niche audience groups, an emphasis of B2B marketers. Brands should explore emerging identity-solution technologies while also prioritizing first-party data collection. Finding a balance between leveraging third-party prospecting audiences and your CRM contacts can define your success. 

Know Your B2B Audience

Use consumer intelligence tools to create highly specific audience personas. Understand where their media consumption lies so you can reach them in both endemic and non-endemic environments. Focusing on intentionally targeting high quality leads will achieve a much higher return on investment than a mass market approach. 

Job Title Targeting

Reach industry professionals based on the NAICS listed industries in which they work. Target using ABM, job title, job function and seniority targeting, firmographic, and intent signals. Further refine targeting through Boolean logic to reach specific B2B audiences.

IP Targeting

IP targeting enables brands to identify qualified households and businesses based on IP address. You can also create look-alike models using audience lists to expand reach. This allows you to target specific business locations and reach employees while they are at work. 


Geo-fencing powers hyper-local mobile targeting in specific locations of your target accounts. Geo-targeting industry conferences can be effective to reach a high concentration of relevant professionals with greater efficiency. 


Website retargeting allows you to reach warm leads who have recently visited your site with sequential messaging. Conversion pixels can be particularly useful for B2B brands to place on key actions, like PDF downloads or form submissions. However, the deprecation of third-party cookies will inevitably impact this – so avoid overreliance on this tactic.

Key Channels for B2B Digital Marketing 

Brands need to enable digital transaction and communication across all stages of the lead funnel. Here are some of the most effective and fastest growing digital channels we recommend for B2B marketers:

Social Media

While social media is extremely useful in personifying the brand, it also goes a long way in driving new prospects and increasing customer lifetime value. Advertising and engaging content initiates that process. The most commonly used and highly effective social media for B2B brands is LinkedIn. 

LinkedIn has millions of active professionals with detailed targeting capabilities for reaching a business-focused target audience. On LinkedIn, individuals are more likely to be engaged in business-related activities, which is a great fit for B2B initiatives. 

Connected TV

Brands are realizing the value of video in driving awareness through storytelling, which is just as important to B2B as it is to B2C. CTV ads provide maximum impact, reaching users on the largest screen in their home against premium content. With advanced audience targeting across CTV devices brands can re-engage existing customers and reach new audiences. 

Programmatic Audio 

Programmatic audio is a growing sector for B2B. Placements in relevant podcasts or streaming platforms can reach very specific audiences. B2B spend in this category is currently lagging, but we expect growth in the next several years. By capitalizing on this tactic now, your brand has the potential to capture attention ahead of more widespread adoption 


Digital Out of Home (DOOH) refers to the purchasing of digital screens in public. With DOOH, you can purchase inventory nearly in real-time versus traditional methods that take multiple weeks and contracts. Digital screens place ads in locations where you know key decision makers are likely to be.


4 out of 10 US B2B marketers said they plan to increase their display budget in 2022. Use display to drive consideration and lead generation through specific CTAs. Segment audiences based on attributes and behaviors. Then, connect with them on relevant sites and apps using a combined approach of contextual and audience targeting. 


Native ads match readers’ interests with curated content and generate higher brand engagement. This is especially useful for targeting B2B buyers when they are consuming contextually relevant content. Plus, it can position your content as an additional resource to the topic they are reading about without being intrusive.

Paid Search (PPC)

To show up in highly competitive search rankings, combine organic and paid search strategies for maximum impact and profitability. When B2B buyers begin searching for information, they will likely land on a top ranking site on Google. So, it is critical to bid against the most effective keywords to place your brand at the forefront of the consumer journey. 

Measuring B2B Digital Marketing Results 

Tracking the cross-channel journey across sales and digital marketing touchpoints is essential. Accurate measurement provides learnings to optimize the process, making the sales funnel shorter and ad spend more effective. 

Focusing on sourcing metrics is an oversimplification that blinds true insights and efficiency. To more accurately track a complex buying cycle, we recommend creating a custom measurement framework. 

Use this 5-step process to define omni-channel success for your B2B marketing: 

1) Align Sales and Marketing Teams

First, sales and marketing must have alignment. The following steps of identifying business OKRs should be collaborative to meet shared goals and understand the impact of one another’s efforts.

2) Identify Desired Business Outcomes

Secondly, establish and understand your core business goals. This creates a roadmap that empowers marketing and sales teams to make informed decisions. From there, you can begin to build a strategic marketing plan to move the needle for the brand

3) Determine KPIs to Indicate Success

Begin to identify the signals that trigger audience actions and bring you closer to your goals. Next, determine how each touchpoint leads the customer to the point of purchase and how you can track directional success. Move beyond typical metrics that simply measure media efficiency and see what is truly impacting your business results.

4) Evaluate Incrementality

As you nurture leads and drive new business, evaluate the incremental effects of your marketing strategy. To test different tactics or channels, establish a performance baseline and then adjust one variable at time to see the impact. This will give you more accurate insight than attribution or last-click models. 

5) Create a Cycle of Test and Learn

Now it is important to identify the key questions we can answer to improve upon results in the next campaign. Create a learning agenda to determine which components are driving the best outcomes so you can adjust and optimize in the future. 

Apply these core principles and watch your business transform. Using this approach will allow you to track and communicate meaningful data about your buyers, no matter how complex your channel strategy may be. 

Key Takeaways for B2B Marketers

Agility will be key in 2022 and B2B brands have an exciting opportunity to leverage the digital marketplace to their advantage. Using this guide, you should be able to better understand how to adapt your brand’s strategies for long-term success.

With a digital-first approach, audience personalization, and strategic targeting, you can reach your highest potential buyers with maximum efficiency. 

As you continue to navigate these challenges, Coegi is here to be your guide!

Reach out to us at for a strategy consultation to enhance your customers’ digital journey.

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