The Balancing Act: Short-Term Wins and Long-Term Growth in Healthcare Marketing

Leaders in the healthcare industry understand the unique challenges of marketing to consumers and HCPs in this space. Unlike promoting a new phone or pair of shoes, healthcare decisions are often complex and involve building trust. This blog dives into the crucial balance between achieving short-term wins and fostering long-term growth for your healthcare brand.

Short-Term Gains: Measurable Impact, Immediate Results

Short-term marketing strategies deliver a quick and measurable impact. Think campaigns promoting flu vaccinations or driving traffic to a website for a new medication launch. Here, success is measured by:

  • Media metrics: Engagement rate, site traffic, click-through rate
  • Business metrics: Sales lift, return on investment (ROI)
  • Advanced measurement: Attention unit scores (measures ad effectiveness), vaccine lift studies (tracks vaccination rates post-campaign)

These strategies are ideal for capitalizing on seasonal trends or generating immediate interest in a new product.

Long-Term Vision: Building Trust and Brand Loyalty

Long-term marketing focuses on cultivating trust and brand loyalty. It positions your brand as a reliable resource, a trusted partner on a patient’s healthcare journey. This translates to:

  • Brand metrics: Brand awareness, brand preference, customer satisfaction
  • Sales & Vaccine Lift Studies: Can also be applicable to long-term success such as share of mind and market share.

Educational content, patient testimonials, and community outreach programs all contribute to long-term success. Imagine a healthcare provider consistently offering informative webinars on various health topics. This establishes them as a trusted resource, influencing patients to choose them for future needs.

The Art of Balance: Aligning Strategies for Sustainable Growth

Focusing solely on short-term gains can negatively impact long-term brand building. While short-term metrics can provide valuable insights and some immediate sense of satisfaction, over-reliance on them can lead to overlooking the bigger business  picture. Here’s how to strike the perfect balance:

  • Identify short-term metrics that predict long-term success. High engagement with educational content could indicate potential brand preference.
  • Maintain a cohesive brand voice across all marketing efforts. This ensures a consistent patient experience, regardless of the short-term or long-term marketing touchpoint.
  • Embrace innovation in activation and measurement. Utilize advanced tools like attention unit metrics and influencer marketing to gain deeper insights and reach your target audience with authenticity.

Conclusion: A Winning Formula for Healthcare Marketing Success

By understanding the nuances of both short-term and long-term growth in healthcare marketing, brands can achieve sustainable growth. Healthcare is a personal journey for everyone, and it can not be a one size fits all approach. In order to deploy an effective long term marketing strategy, brands need to be in tune with who their target audience is, and how they like to be spoken to. By implementing a balanced approach that prioritizes immediate results while fostering long-term trust, healthcare CMOs can build brands that resonate with patients HCPs alike and position themselves for lasting success.

Building Trust and Awareness for Medicaid Options within Multicultural Communities


Coegi’s client, a government health plan provider, needed to raise awareness of their Medicaid options among Hispanic and African American communities. These communities often face historical distrust of the medical care system, further compounded by rising healthcare costs.


higher recall among Hispanic/Latino demographics

higher recall among Black/African American demographics

increase in the perception that our brand supports member health goals, care about the community, and offer relevant services

lift in aided brand awareness compared to 2% healthcare benchmark


We developed an omni-channel pilot campaign to break through the noise and resonate with these core audiences. The strategy focused on three key goals:

  • Increase Awareness: Reach qualified Latino and African American audiences.
  • Build Trust: Position the client as a trustworthy partner who understands their needs.
  • Drive Engagement: Encourage interaction with the brand through the website.

Reaching Key Segments: Identify core audiences by utilizing precision targeting parameters such as first-party data, zip codes, eligibility criteria, racial and ethnic demographics.

  • Moms (Parents): Targeted adults with children, emphasizing importance of childhood and postpartum health.
  • Functionally Disabled Members: Targeted audiences concerned with health issues like mental health and disabilities.
  • New to Medicaid: Targeted audiences interested in health management and wellness, active on digital platforms.

Media Strategy: Maximize impact with Medicaid-eligible audiences by placing personalized messages across an omnichannel digital media plan.

  • Diversity in Digital Media: Moving beyond competitor channels, we explored diverse digital platforms and implemented programmatic buying to find audiences efficiently.
  • Right Audience, Right Message: Layered niche cultural targeting with culturally appropriate messaging for deeper resonance.
  • Upfront Digital Footprint: Prioritized a strong digital presence (70% audience reach) for speed to market, hyper-targeting, and competitive differentiation.
  • Expanding into Traditional Media: Layered in localized print publications, billboards & Radio for increased community relevance.
  • Test and Learn: Established a foundation for future campaigns by measuring engagement and optimizing messaging for better personalization.


The campaign delivered significant positive lifts across various metrics:

  • Unaided & Aided Awareness: Increased brand recognition.
  • Brand Perception: Improved perceptions of the brand as supportive, community-focused, informative, and meeting health needs.
  • Decision Maker Impact: Positively influenced decision-making within both Hispanic/Latino and Black/African American audiences.

Channel Performance: The campaign delivered a significant lift in aided awareness across all forms of media, with a notable lift in awareness among consumers exposed to the banner and 30-second video ad. Brand recall was higher when 4+ channels were utilized, signaling the power of an omnichannel approach.

  • Social and Print: Top performers, particularly in combination.
  • CTV & Display Banners: Effective in raising awareness and brand opinion.
  • Streaming Audio: Moderately positive impact.
  • Online Video & OOH: Provided strong campaign reinforcement, but had less direct campaign impact.

Key Takeaways

  • Go Where the Performance Is: Target audiences where engagement is strong and build scale through an omni-channel approach.
  • Brevity & Emotional Connection: Clear, concise messaging with emotional appeal leads to stronger creative performance.
  • Smaller Audience, Bigger Impact: Smaller audience segments can deliver strong engagement and results when targeted effectively.

This case study demonstrates that building trust within multicultural audiences requires a tailored approach that considers cultural values and prioritizes the right channels and messaging for maximum impact.


Navigating Privacy Regulations In The Dynamic Pharma Landscape

From the patchwork of stringent state laws to the nuances of consent in patient data usage, explore the critical elements that organizations must adeptly navigate privacy regulations to ensure ethical and legal adherence in this dynamic pharma landscape.

State of Privacy Regulations in the United States

Data privacy laws, especially those related to healthcare, are subject to frequent changes at both the federal and state levels. At the federal level, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a key regulation governing patient data privacy. However, there may be additional federal laws, state laws, and other enforceable guidelines that impact healthcare marketing. Staying updated with these changes is important not only for following the law but also for maintaining top-level privacy and trust in healthcare.

Divergence at Federal and State Levels

Within the federal landscape, HIPAA serves as a fundamental regulation, offering baseline protections for Protected Health Information (PHI). However, beyond HIPAA, various factors contribute to the evolving regulatory environment. The CARES Act, with its temporary modifications to HIPAA, introduces additional considerations for handling health data during emergencies. The FTC continues to play a crucial role in enforcement, ensuring that entities adhere to privacy standards.

On the state level, the regulatory landscape introduces a patchwork of stricter laws that organizations must consider. States like California, with the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), Colorado with the Colorado Privacy Act, and Virginia with the Consumer Data Protection Act, have implemented comprehensive privacy laws. These state laws grant patients various rights over their data, necessitating organizations to establish robust opt-out and data deletion processes to comply with diverse state-level requirements. The existence of these stricter state laws adds complexity for entities operating across multiple jurisdictions, requiring them to adapt their practices to align with varying privacy standards.

Difference in Patient and Provider Marketing

Patient marketing operates under more stringent restrictions due to the involvement of sensitive health data. The use of PHI necessitates careful handling and compliance with privacy regulations. Organizations engaging in patient marketing must establish clear opt-in and opt-out mechanisms, allowing individuals to express their preferences regarding the use of their health information. Transparency about how data is utilized becomes paramount, ensuring that patients are informed about the purposes for which their information is being used. This transparency not only aligns with regulatory requirements but also builds trust with patients, a critical factor in healthcare marketing.

In contrast, marketing efforts directed at healthcare providers may have less stringent regulatory requirements concerning patient data. However, ethical considerations and data security measures remain crucial. While there may be more flexibility in the approach to provider marketing, organizations must uphold ethical standards to maintain trust within the healthcare ecosystem.

Compliance Strategies

Principle of Clear and Informed Consent

The essence of clear and informed consent is embodied in four key attributes:

  • Freely given: No coercion or undue pressure.
  • Specific: Clear explanation of data usage and sharing.
  • Granular: Allow patients to choose what data is used and shared.
  • Revocable: Easy opt-out mechanisms.

Opt-In Methods and Opt-Out Mechanisms

Opt-in and Opt-out methods are pivotal in healthcare marketing, offering an ethical way to engage individuals by obtaining their explicit consent prior to using their information for marketing purposes. 

Opt-in Methods:

  • Require obtaining explicit consent before using information for marketing.
  • Align with clear and informed consent principles.
  • Allow individuals to express willingness to receive promotional materials or participate in initiatives.

Opt-out Mechanisms:

  • Important to protect sensitive health information.
  • Essential for effective consent management.
  • Crucial for adhering to privacy regulations.
  • Important for nurturing trust among stakeholders

Role of Consent Management Platforms (CMPs)

CMPs are valuable tools for pharma brands, enabling them to specify the exact purposes for which patient data will be used, particularly in remarketing efforts. This level of granularity in consent management not only aids in regulatory compliance but also plays a significant role in fostering patient trust.

Managing Third-Party Data Aggregation

While leveraging data is essential for targeted marketing efforts, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, where Personal Health Information (PHI) is involved, it is crucial for pharma brands to exercise caution when considering third-party data aggregation. Sharing PHI requires explicit authorization and adherence to strict data security measures to protect patient privacy. A notable challenge in the realm of third-party data aggregation for pharma brands is the inherent difficulty in auditing external service providers thoroughly. As a general principle, pharma brands should exercise prudence and consider the potential risks associated with incorporating third-party data into their marketing strategies. 

Ultimately, these efforts converge on a singular goal: to uphold the highest standards of patient privacy and trust. As the legal and ethical landscape continues to evolve, staying informed and adaptable is not just a regulatory requirement but a cornerstone of building lasting relationships in the dynamic world of healthcare marketing.

HIPAA Compliant Healthcare Marketing and Ad Targeting

Healthcare Marketing Compliance Guidelines

In healthcare marketing, compliance is of the utmost importance. At Coegi, we work with many healthcare and pharmaceutical clients to continuously navigate this highly regulated industry. Continue reading to learn more about what it means to be a compliant and ethical healthcare marketer with this guide. 

Who sets the regulations for healthcare marketing compliance?

In 1996, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was passed to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without consent. However, when it comes to understanding HIPAA for healthcare advertising, there’s a lot of room for interpretation. This leaves many advertisers unsure if certain marketing capabilities are compliant and ethical. 

This is especially true for pharmaceutical advertisers using health information to target audiences for prescription drugs, medical devices, and other pharmaceutical products through media. To provide an industry standard, there are committees devoted to giving pharma advertisers direction – including  the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), and the National Advertising Initiative (NAI). 

The NAI is one of the leading bodies for defining healthcare marketing compliance regulations. Founded in 2000, the NAI published a set of codes for targeted advertising and online profiling that is supported by the U.S. FTC. The most recent revisions to the code provide media targeting best practices, including a definition for Sensitive Health Information to provide pharmaceutical advertisers with more concrete direction for targeting consumer populations.

How does HIPAA affect healthcare ad targeting?

The first step is understanding if your brand’s core consumer audience falls under the ‘sensitive’ category. This will impact targeting capabilities. According to the NAI, there are two subsets of sensitive information: 

  1. Data about a health condition or treatment derived from a sensitive source 
  2. Data about certain sensitive conditions regardless of the source of the data

The NAI only provides a few sensitive categories. These include drug addiction, STDs, mental health, pregnancy termination, cancer, and all conditions predominantly affecting children that are not treatable with OTC medications. For other health conditions, the NAI provides guidance to help determine whether pharmaceutical targeting segments are considered sensitive. However, this guidance does not offer a clear list of compliant targeting capabilities. 

One of our leading media buying partners, The Trade Desk (an NAI member), also has a healthcare targeting policy. Using its own multi-factor analysis process, it defines whether a condition is high, medium, or low sensitivity to determine allowable targeting capabilities. Coegi recommends using these guides to inform client conversations and recommendations when aligning on the brand’s own definition of sensitivity. 

How do you approach pharmaceutical targeting compliantly?

The goal is to aggregate enough compliant data about an individual to create a complete picture. This allows you to meet their needs accurately while preserving their privacy. Make sure pharmaceutical advertising campaigns are compliant by examining the data sources informing them. Look for two specific criteria:

  1. Consent: Guarantee the audiences reached provide the brand permission to market to them
  2. Deterministic data: Validated user information so marketers know they’re reaching a person who gave consent

Despite the challenges, pharmaceutical brands still have a variety of ways to target patients. We can use first-, second-, and third-party data and machine learning to identify relevant consumers who are likely to be receptive to receiving advertising from your brand.

Best Practices for HIPAA Healthcare Marketing Compliance

  • Ensure FDA and HIPAA compliance of campaigns including messaging and targeting with legal counsel.
  • Use de-identified information from third-party data providers for patient behavioral targeting.
  • Gain opt-in consent from users for sensitive health segment targeting and geo-targeting. 
  • Leverage data partners to reach HCPs on a 1:1 basis at scale. 

Healthcare Consumer Ad Targeting

Once you determine whether your target is in the sensitive or non-sensitive condition category, use the following tactics to reach healthcare and pharmaceutical consumers:

Modeled Targeting

Modeled targeting using de-identified information from third-party data providers is compliant according to the NAI. The NAI’s Guidance for Health Audience Segments quotes, “the use of offline marketing segments that are also modeled, not based on any user-level purchase, behavior, or activity, would also be considered non-sensitive.”

From a blog post by Yeehooi Tee of PulsePoint, not all audience models are created the same. It is critical to analyze data collection methods. There are key factors to understand when evaluating health data segments. These include the source of the seed data, modeling attributes, the seed-to-output ratio, and many others. 

Contextual Targeting

There are no regulations on using contextual targeting for a consumer audience. This is a popular approach for reaching patient and caregiver audiences in a compliant manner. 

Connected TV is a useful medium for contextual healthcare targeting. A TV ad for a specific health condition can feel less invasive, yet still relevant, using contextual targeting. With third-party data partners, personal information is de-identified for HIPAA-compliant CTV targeting.


For both sensitive and non-sensitive conditions, geo-targeting a consumer audience requires the user’s opt-in consent to target by location data (like a clinic location). However, even with opt-in consent, there are still limitations for sensitive topics, such as reproductive health or addiction recovery, when it comes to location-based targeting. 

There are other forms of targeting patient audiences using geographic data. For example, using data partners, pharmaceutical brands can target programmatic buys to specific zip codes that over-index for a condition. Using anonymized provider prescription data, data can be matched to zip codes with the highest lift in specific prescriptions and even mapped to these households via IP addresses. This enables omnichannel online targeting to reach healthcare consumers through display, video, native, and social media channels. 

Condition-Based Targeting

We use third-party data providers to access unique condition-based healthcare segments. This anonymized data is not subject to some of the strict HIPAA guidelines, as it cannot be tied to personally identifiable records. This allows you to reach your relevant audience at scale with minimal media waste. 

Interest Targeting

Interest-based targeting can reach patients as well as caretakers with interest in a specific condition or topic. This expands reach to the key decision-makers in the healthcare process. The content consumers are reading or searching for online typically defines “Interest”. To engage these individuals as they are consuming relevant information, consider contextual targeting methods mentioned above. 

For more of my tips on the best strategies and channels for healthcare patient and provider targeting, view the video below:

Healthcare Provider Ad Targeting

Healthcare providers are relatively easier to target than patient segments due to publicly available information and fewer privacy restrictions. However, there can be challenges with achieving scale and managing higher costs. Regardless, brands can reach HCPs across the wide range of content they consume and the multiple devices they use.

Because you’re targeting by profession rather than a condition, there are fewer restrictions for HCPs. Let’s explore some of the most effective forms of compliant audience targeting for HCPs: 

ID-Based Targeting

ID-based targeting allows pharmaceutical brands to reach HCPs with a compliant audience-first approach. National Provider IDs are personal identifiers for specific healthcare providers, including their practice location and specialty. 

Utilizing this data set via demand-side platforms (DSPs) such as PulsePoint, MedData, CrossIX and HealthLink allows for compliant, one-to-one HCP targeting across multiple channels and devices.  Brands can target HCPs both by specific medical specialty or by an individual NPI number. 


Brands can also use NPI numbers to target relevant practice locations for particular physicians or specialties. By targeting a geo-radius around point-of-care locations with high volumes of particular diagnoses or treatment types, brands can remain compliant with HIPAA and the NAI while also reaching the target audience. Another opportunity for geo-targeting physicians is geo-fencing industry conferences and events where large groups of professionals congregate.  

Contextual Targeting

Contextual targeting tools can look at categories, keywords, and tags on web pages to deliver highly relevant content to HCPs through programmatic channels. At Coegi, we map these to the National Library of Medicine MeSH Taxonomy to ensure the most relevant terminology is applied to our digital media. 

Rx and Dx Targeting

Through data partnerships, brands can target NPI numbers of providers who commonly prescribe certain prescription codes. Likewise, brands can target by diagnosis using ICD-10 codes to find their core HCP customers. 

Depending on each client’s goals, Coegi provides a recommended HCP targeting strategy. Even with fewer restrictions, we investigate and understand the source of the data segments associated with NPIs. 

For more on healthcare marketing compliance and best practices, read this Q&A article with more insights from myself and Pulsepoint’s Malcolm Halle or contact Coegi today. 

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