How to Strategically and Compliantly Use First Party Data for Regulated Industries

In healthcare marketing, particularly under strict regulations like HIPAA, the use of first-party data (1PD) demands a nuanced, strategic approach. Leveraging 1PD responsibly and effectively can unlock significant value while maintaining compliance. Healthcare marketing must prioritize privacy at every turn, with specific measures to protect individual rights:

  • Explicit Consent: Always secure explicit consent for using any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in marketing communications. This is especially vital in highly regulated industries like healthcare, where patient trust is paramount.
  • Data Anonymization: Anonymizing or tokenizing PHI (Protected Health Information) before utilizing it for any marketing purpose is crucial. This ensures that even in data-driven decision-making, no individual’s privacy is compromised.

So where do you start?

Here’s how Coegi recommends maximizing your use of 1PD to strike:

1. Non-PHI Data Utilization

The foundation of responsible 1PD usage lies in focusing on non-PHI data, ensuring patient privacy is never compromised:

  • Social Followers and Demographics: Voluntary, non-sensitive data such as social media engagement and publicly available demographic insights can serve as a starting point for audience segmentation. This data can be analyzed to create preliminary target personas, ensuring that marketing is tailored to audience interests without venturing into sensitive areas.

2. Lookalike Modeling with Tokenization

To unlock deeper insights from first-party data without compromising privacy, tokenization must be applied before any modeling begins:

  • Tokenization First: Before conducting any analysis, customer data is tokenized, ensuring personal identities are anonymized. This enables the organization to securely harness insights without exposing PHI.
  • Modeling High-Value Clients: Post-tokenization, focus on identifying high-value clients based on their Lifetime Value (LTV) and other non-PII metrics. By refining marketing strategies using these models, businesses can allocate resources more effectively toward customers likely to drive higher returns.
  • Cohort Targeting: A cleanroom environment provides a secure way to apply cohort-based targeting while maintaining compliance. This enables marketing teams to group customers with similar characteristics and behavior patterns for more personalized messaging.

3. Index-Based Matching for Lookalike Audiences

Lookalike modeling is essential for audience expansion, and index-based matching offers a compliant, privacy-conscious method:

  • Interest and Propensity Data: By using index-based matching, organizations can match interests and customer propensities without direct data matching. This allows for effective targeting while protecting personal data.
  • Building Lookalike Audiences: Insights from tokenized data, combined with index-based matching, enable the creation of lookalike audiences, allowing businesses to broaden their reach to potential new customers with similar characteristics to high-value clients—all while adhering to strict privacy regulations.

4. Aggregated Campaign Optimization and Analytics

Optimizing marketing campaigns through data analytics is key, but it’s critical to ensure compliance throughout the process:

  • Automated Targeting: Machine learning can help automate and continually refine targeting strategies by analyzing past campaign performance. By doing so, organizations can keep their messaging relevant and impactful, based on real-time insights from previous campaigns.
  • Conversion Rate Analytics: Aggregated, anonymized data should be used to assess and optimize conversion rates, keeping campaigns both effective and compliant.


By strategically using first-party data in compliance with privacy regulations, healthcare organizations can maximize the impact of their marketing efforts. The approach of focusing on non-PHI data, using tokenization, and applying lookalike modeling ensures the organization maintains patient trust and regulatory adherence, while driving more targeted and effective marketing campaigns.

Want to learn more about how to maximize your first party data? Contact us to schedule a discovery call. 

Unleashing the Power of Data Velocity

Imagine you have a state-of-the-art garden hose connected to an endless supply of water. Sounds fantastic, right? Here’s the problem: unless you turn the handle and direct that water where it’s needed, your garden won’t grow. 

Data in today’s digital marketing landscape is just like that water – abundant and full of potential, but only valuable when we put it to work.

In today’s marketing world, data velocity is that crucial turn of the handle. It’s not enough to have a database reservoir filled with information, sitting idly; you must build insights from this information with speed and efficiency. Both are critically important in being able to channel that data to nurture your customer relationships, grow operational efficiencies, identify and act on market trends, and see your business reap its benefits. 

The Data Dilemma: From Stagnant to Strategic 

Just as a garden without access to the water won’t grow, data that remains untouched in a database, no matter how vast, cannot influence decision-making, improve processes, or provide return on investment. To harness the true value of your data, it’s important to: 

Activate Your Data:

Breathe life into raw information by transforming it into actionable insights. It’s in this transformation – whether through business intelligence, machine learning models, or insightful reporting – that your data’s true value emerges, empowering your team to make informed, impactful decisions.

  • Implement robust ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes to clean and structure your data.
  • Leverage advanced analytics tools to uncover hidden patterns and predictive trends that shape strategy.
  • Focus on the insights that directly influence your marketing strategies. Whether it’s identifying customer segments, optimizing ad spend, or tracking campaign performance, prioritize data that can be directly applied to your decision-making process.

Prioritize Relevance:

Not all data is created equal – the value of data is inherently tied to its context and use case. Focus on the data points that truly matter for your specific goals.

  • Master the art of data wrangling as a critical process. Clean, structure, and enrich your raw data to transform it into a goldmine of insights by combining disparate data sets, filling in missing values, or normalizing data for consistency.
  • Incorporate third-party data strategically. External data sets can provide valuable context, but crucial to recognize that not all third-party data sets are universally valuable. Some datasets you can reference range from demographic data to search and social trend data to weather data. For instance, weather data might be incredibly valuable for a retail business that needs to anticipate changes in consumer purchasing behaviors in terms of likelihood to visit store locations or which products that may be of greater interest. Yet, for a technology company, weather may hold little value compared to demographic data. Which leads to the next point…
  • Don’t fall into the trap of data hoarding for the sake of information gathering. This can cause unnecessary analysis paralysis that leads to insignificant outcomes. 
  • Streamline Access: A state-of-the-art garden hose can’t deliver clean, pressure-perfect water if it isn’t paired with a perfectly engineered plumbing system. 

The same is true of your data. 

You must produce data feeds that will serve as your digital plumbing, allowing team members to simply “turn the handle” and instantly access the insights they need.

  • Develop a data governance framework that balances security with accessibility. Create role-based access systems to provide team members with the data they need, when they need it.
  • Invest in user-friendly interfaces that make data exploration intuitive for non-technical staff. Platforms like Google Analytics, HubSpot, and various CRM systems offer dashboards and reports that make it easier to interpret data and apply it to your marketing efforts.
  • Encourage curiosity to uncover new data-driven marketing opportunities. Regularly review your data feeds to see if there are any new trends or patterns that could benefit your campaigns.

The Velocity Advantage: Why Speed Matters in Marketing

Timing is everything. Data velocity in marketing empowers you to:

Respond to Market Shifts in Real-Time

  • Monitor social media sentiment and search trending topics to adjust messaging on the fly
  • Use real-time bidding data to optimize ad placements and budgets instantly
  • Quickly pivot campaign strategies based on emerging competitor actions or market disruptions

Personalize Customer Experience

  • Leverage real-time browsing behavior to serve dynamic website content
  • Implement AI-driven recommendation engines that learn and adapt with each customer interaction
  • Use location data and purchase history to deliver hyper-targeted mobile notifications and offers

Optimize Budget Allocation

  • Implement automated budget reallocation based on real-time performance metrics
  • Conduct rapid A/B tests to quickly identify winning creative and copy.
  • Use predictive analytics to forecast campaign performance and adjust spend proactively.

Empowering Marketers: Identify Ways to Help Cross-Department Teams Tap Into Data

As a marketer, you don’t need to be a technical expert to put data to work for your campaigns. What’s important is understanding how to leverage the data that’s been prepared and made accessible to you. 

 Here’s how to get started:

Seek Out Your Power Players:

Work closely with your data and analytics team to identify which data sets are most relevant to your marketing goals. Explain your campaign objectives clearly so they can help you pinpoint the data that will provide the most actionable insights.Together, you can:

  • Conduct a comprehensive audit of your current data sources and analytics capabilities
  • Align key performance indicators (KPIs) with overall business objectives
  • Develop a prioritized list of metrics that directly influence marketing decisions

Invest in Agile Analytics:

Implement tools that provide real-time insights and easy-to-use dashboards.

  • Evaluate and adopt cloud-based analytics platforms for scalability and real-time processing
  • Implement machine learning algorithms to automate data analysis and predictive modeling
  • Develop custom dashboards that provide at-a-glance insights for different roles within your organization

Foster a Data-Driven Culture:

Encourage your team to make decisions based on insights, not just instincts.

  • Provide regular training sessions on data interpretation and analysis tools.
  • Celebrate data-driven successes to reinforce the value of this approach.
  • Implement a system for sharing insights across departments to break down data silos.

The Bottom Line: Data Velocity Drives Value

In the race for market growth, it’s not just about having data – it’s about how quickly you can turn that data into results. By focusing on strategic data velocity in marketing, you’re not just keeping up with the competition; you’re setting the pace. 

Ready to turn on the full force of your data and watch your marketing flourish? Don’t let your valuable data sit idle – contact us today to start your journey towards data-driven marketing excellence. 

It’s time to turn that handle and let your data flow!

Coegi Partners

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