MediaPost – How to Move from Challenger Brand to Household Name

Brands entering a cluttered industry, or a category where one or two brands control consumers’ headspace, often feel they have a daunting road ahead. Their questions include:

— How can we capture consumer attention beyond shelf space? 

— How do we compete with brands with 10x the budget expenditure? 

— If I do manage to get consumers to try our brand, how do we keep them coming back?

AdExchanger – Attribution is Overrated

In a cookieless world, attribution is old news. 

Let’s be honest: Multi-touch attribution (MTA) has always been challenging to pull off.  Even before Facebook and Apple walled off their data, there wasn’t enough impression-level data to build an accurate model. In fact, MTA models often yield eerily similar outputs to last-touch attribution, suggesting that budgets should shift toward retargeting and branded search tactics. That isn’t always the right recommendation.

To future-proof, it’s time to focus on incrementality: the measure of supplemental business results that a campaign drives in aggregate.

The Drum – Why AI is Critical for Marketing Success

AI has grown from a tech buzzword to a part of the common vernacular in only a few years. In fact, 45% of corporate AI adopters reported AI technologies helped them establish a significant lead over competitors.


Read the article take a look behind the curtain to understand the reasoning behind the rapid growth and adoption of AI and how it can transform digital marketing.

MarketingProfs – Top 3 Ingredients of a Smart B2B2C Marketing Strategy

Marketing leaders across industries such as pharma, healthcare, financial services, and manufacturing have multiple stakeholders to consider when developing an effective marketing strategy.

On the one hand, as a marketer you have to influence business decision-makers and convince them that your product or service is superior to competitors’, offering greater value. On the other hand, you have to provide sufficient education to those decision-makers so they feel comfortable and competent enough to sell the offering to your other target audience: the consumer.

That relationship constitutes what marketers call a business-to-business-to-consumer (B2B2C) model. And that model can be daunting if you don’t have a recipe for success.

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