4 Reasons Why Your Brand Needs Dynamic Creative Optimization

/ Thoughtspace - Campaign Optimization, Marketing Strategy

Gone are the days where brands can get by with subpar or generic advertising content and yield positive return. Consumers are savvy – they expect brands to tailor their messages and offers to their target audiences, and failure to do so can quickly have a negative impact on both brand perception and sales. 

The challenge for many marketers is that doing content “right” can be a massive undertaking, both in terms of human and financial resources. Fortunately, there are tools available that combine creativity with machine learning and artificial intelligence to simplify the creative production process. This is most commonly known as dynamic creative optimization, or DCO. As stated in this source from Amazon, “…DCO technology rapidly builds multiple iterations of an ad using the same base creative, while tailoring parts of the ad based on audiences, context, and past performance.” While there are native tools in platforms like Amazon and Meta that make dynamic creatives widely accessible without a great deal of investment in new base creatives or technologies; however, there are other third-party tools that also facilitate this capability in non-walled garden environments to allow for the full-range of benefits. 

Here are the top four reasons why your brand should consider tapping into the power of dynamic creative optimization (DCO):

#1: DCO offers a lot of efficiency

I think most marketers understand that having high quality content to support advertising is all but mandatory to achieve ideal marketing results. But the reality is that what is “ideal” is not always realistic, especially with smaller marketing teams and diminishing budgets. DCO helps make content best practices more feasible, by using technology to reduce man hours needed to produce content, increasing the speed at which new content iterations can be created, and avoiding having to start from scratch to test new creative ideas. Speaking of tests…

#2: Dynamic creative optimization provides a great platform for ongoing testing

Have three good creative ideas and are struggling to determine which one is the “best?” Or do you have a primary concept that you’re aligned on, but are unsure which version of the copy will drive the best response? Dynamic creative optimization allows you to try multiple versions and use the data to evaluate the best creative rather than gut intuition or time consuming focus groups. Furthermore, this technology enables your team to make small changes along the way based on the results, allowing for streamlined application of these data-driven learnings. 

#3: DCO provides greater flexibility to adapt to shifting platform technology

It’s no surprise to any marketer who has worked in digital that online platforms, especially social platforms, love to make changes. Surprise! You can now have 50% more words on your ad description. Surprise! Our algorithm is now going to put preference toward our newly announced placements because we just know users will love it. Surprise! Our ad policies have changed and the creative you’ve run for the last three months now goes against our community rules. You name it, marketers have experienced it. Dynamic creatives can help marketers pivot with greater agility, adapting creative sizing, orientation and even message to better meet platform specifications. Pair this with the power that generative AI can bring to creative production and you can move more easily with the speed of your business needs and rapidly moving industry norms. 

#4: Dynamic creative optimization allows for increased relevancy and personalization

This is arguably the most important use case for dynamic creatives. Consumers are inundated with ads on a near constant basis – so having your brand stand out in its advertising is no small task. However, you most certainly don’t want to stand out for the wrong reasons – with content that is self-serving, irrelevant, or just downright bad. Dynamic creative optimization ties creatives more closely to data, both in terms of activation and placements as well as with post-impression analysis, helping marketers have a greater likelihood of reaching the right person with the right message in the right environment and informing adjustments in creative strategy based on performance metrics. 

To continue optimizing your approach to creative content, check out:

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